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EDUREFORM Awareness Campaign

Join the EDUREFORM Revolution!


We are thrilled to announce the resounding success of our EDUREFORM awareness videos. These captivating videos has garnered remarkable attention. These videos are a profound exploration of the imminent changes that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is ushering into our lives. The videos delves into the impact of technology and artificial intelligence on our workforce, it has ignited conversations about the transformative shifts that lie ahead.

These videos refer to the World Economic Forum’s report from January 2016, which foretold the impending Fourth Industrial Revolution – a phenomenon poised to reshape our lifestyles, work dynamics, and relationships on a fundamental level.
Drawing attention to the accelerating advancements in technology and artificial intelligence, the videos highlight the consequential automation of low-skilled and repetitive jobs. It points to a joint report by Citi and Oxford University in 2016, which estimated that 57% of jobs in OECD countries worldwide, and a staggering 69% of jobs in India, are at risk of automation. This revelation underscores the pressing need for proactive measures.
The videos emphasizes that the advent of automation presents an immediate threat to India’s workforce, given that a mere 4.69% of the country’s total workforce possesses formal skills. The videos succinctly illustrates this challenge with real-world examples: self-driving cars on our roads, self-checkout counters in everyday establishments, and robots replacing tasks once carried out by humans.

As these videos further unfolds, it highlights a crucial concern: the changing landscape of sought-after skills. The Fourth Industrial Revolution mandates a shift toward creative, critical, and analytical thinking skills among students, a demand that significantly diverges from the traditional lecture-based, rote learning approach prevalent in India’s current education system.

With an eye on the future, the videos underscores the mission of the EDUREFORM project: to empower both future and in-service teachers. The project aims to equip educators with the tools to foster the very skills demanded by this era of transformation – creative, critical, and analytical thinking. By enhancing pedagogical skills and adapting teaching methods to individual student needs, the project seeks to steer education away from rote learning and toward holistic skill development.

In the face of this rapidly changing landscape, the videos concludes with a powerful message: the need to adapt and evolve. The videos invite viewers to join the EDUREFORM initiative, ensuring that we are not left behind in this wave of transformation. 
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